My time at Alberta Blue Cross has allowed me to work on some pretty exciting projects.

Commitmented to community

Alberta Blue Cross does some amazing things for the communities that make up Alberta. However, hasn’t been all that amazing when it comes to talking about the initiatives and partnerships they take on improve the lives of Albertans. In fact, when I first took my team through the prototypes they were astonished at everything that goes on behind the scenes, from helping out at the local food banks, to providing scholarships and sponsoring research in women’s health.

I loved working on this project, as a Martimer I am all about my community; looking out for each other, providing safe, inclusive spaces to get physically active. I really wanted to create an exploratory website, that pulled people in with images from Alberta Blue Cross’s own catelogue of imagery. To tell the stories of the people who directly benefited from Hearts of Blue, or CHANGE Health. I was navigating stakeholders who wanted two very different outcomes, brought them together to be aligned in the vision and potential for this website to tell the story of Alberta Blue Cross.


In 2020 the Digital Experience team took the public site and rebuilt all 800+ pages of it in Bootstrap. The purpose of this was to move the site to a more supported platform, increase the performance, accessibility and best practices. The team started by designing and building Bootstrap components and page templates. Having the components pre-built greatly decreased turnaround time when building out new sections of the corporate public site and started the basis for the Design System.

The landing page for Alberta Blue Cross Travel Insurance. There is a picture of a woman on a boat in a tropical cove.

The Wellness Summit

During the summer of 2020, I had the pleasure of redesigning and building out the website for The Wellness Summit. This is a conference put together and hosted by Alberta Blue Cross to build awareness around the different types of wellness and how to create psychologically safe and healthy workplaces. The decision was made to build it out in WordPress, which gave me a little break from coding everything myself. The site hosts information on previous Summits, as well as builds excitement for the next one.

The homepage of The Wellness Summit.
A screenshot of the page for the 2019 Wellness Summit.


With the digital transformation happening all over the world, fraud is a very real threat to the sustainability of organizations. I am proud to say that Alberta Blue Cross is leading the industry when it comes to educating its members on what constitutes fraud and how to avoid committing it.

The first step in this education was creating a new section dedicated to fraud, what it is, how to avoid it and the consequences of committing benefits fraud. The previous section was not optimized for SEO and mostly long dry, hard-to-digest information pages.

This project allowed me to combine my psychology background with my passion for web design. I wanted the fraud section to be easy to understand, easy to navigate and visually interesting. Taking a dry subject and making it appealing ended up being a lot of fun. Myself and a communications officer took the information previously on the corporate public site, broke it into manageable pieces and still managed to expand the information in an easily digestible way. The viewership increased 400% once the project went live, with our most viewed page being the one that breaks down the different types of benefits fraud.